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shows how to know which appliances conserve the most energy. The graph compares the average amount of energy different appliances use.

Bar chart showing the appliance use of common home appliances in cost per year and kWh per year: electric blanket: <$42,  <500kWh,  TV: <$42,  [<a href=renoblog] <500kWh, microwave oven: <$42, <500kWh, dehumidifier: <$42, <500kWh, well pump: <$42, <500kWh, home computer: $42-$83, 500-1000kWh, aquarium/terrarium: $42-$83, 500-1000kWh, dishwasher: $42-$83, 500-1000kWh, electric cooking: $42-$83, 500-1000kWh, freezer: $42-$83, 500-1000kWh, waterbed heater: $42-$83, 500-1000kWh, clothes dryer: $42-$83, renoblog 500-1000kWh renoblog, washing machine: $42-$83, 500-1000kWh, refrigerator: $83-$125, 1000-1500kWh, pool pump: $83-$125, 1000-1500kWh, spa (pump and heater): $166-$208, 2000-2500kWh. " src="http://www1. eere. energy. Renoblog gov/consumer/tips/images/pg26_appliance_use_chart. gif" />

?? 2008-2016 Legit Express Chemist.